BSON-NumPy: Fast Conversion Library =================================== A Python extension written in C that uses `libbson `_ to convert between NumPy arrays and BSON, the native data format of MongoDB. This is currently a **prototype**. See the `installing`_ instructions below. Converting MongoDB data to NumPy -------------------------------- .. testsetup:: import bson import bsonnumpy import numpy as np import pymongo c = pymongo.MongoClient() c.test.collection.delete_many({}) c.test.collection.insert_many([ {'_id': 1, 'n': 1.0, 'str': 'hello'}, {'_id': 2, 'n': 3.1, 'str': 'and'}, {'_id': 3, 'n': 7.7, 'str': 'goodbye'}, ]) Say we have a collection in MongoDB with three documents:: {'_id': 1, 'n': 1.5, 'str': 'hello'} {'_id': 2, 'n': 3.1, 'str': 'and'} {'_id': 3, 'n': 7.7, 'str': 'goodbye'} We can convert these to a NumPy :class:`~numpy.ndarray` directly: .. Comment: duplicate some testsetup imports here for readers to see. We still need them in testsetup, however, so that we don't have to repeat them in the doctest blocks below. .. doctest:: >>> from pymongo import MongoClient >>> import numpy as np >>> import bsonnumpy >>> >>> client = MongoClient() >>> collection = client.test.collection >>> dtype = np.dtype([('_id', np.int64), ('n', np.double), ('str', 'S10')]) >>> ndarray = bsonnumpy.sequence_to_ndarray( ... collection.find_raw_batches(), dtype, collection.count()) >>> >>> print(ndarray) [(1, 1. , b'hello') (2, 3.1, b'and') (3, 7.7, b'goodbye')] >>> print(ndarray.dtype) [('_id', '>> filter = {'_id': {'$gte': 2}} >>> projection = {'str': False} >>> dtype = np.dtype([('_id', np.int64), ('n', np.double)]) >>> ndarray = bsonnumpy.sequence_to_ndarray( ... collection.find_raw_batches(filter, projection), dtype, collection.count(filter)) >>> >>> print(ndarray) [(2, 3.1) (3, 7.7)] We can also use the MongoDB aggregation framework: .. doctest:: >>> pipeline = [{'$project': {'_id': 1, 'n': {'$multiply': [2, '$n']}}}] >>> dtype = np.dtype([('_id', np.int64), ('n', np.double)]) >>> ndarray = bsonnumpy.sequence_to_ndarray( ... collection.aggregate_raw_batches(pipeline), dtype, collection.count()) >>> >>> print(ndarray) [(1, 2. ) (2, 6.2) (3, 15.4)] Using MongoDB with Pandas ------------------------- The :class:`~numpy.ndarray` created above can be wrapped in a Pandas DataFrame: .. doctest:: >>> import pandas as pd >>> pd.DataFrame(ndarray, index=ndarray['_id']) _id n 1 1 2.0 2 2 6.2 3 3 15.4 API --- .. py:function:: sequence_to_ndarray(iterator, dtype, length) Convert a series of bytes objects, each containing raw BSON data, into a NumPy array. Parameters: - `iterator`: A :ref:`sequence ` or :ref:`iterator ` representing a sequence of :class:`bytes` objects containing BSON documents. - `dtype`: A :class:`numpy.dtype` listing the fields to extract from each BSON document and what NumPy type to convert it to. - `length`: An integer, the number of items in `iterator`. Returns an :class:`~numpy.ndarray`. If the length of `iterator` is not the same as the `length` argument to :func:`sequence_to_ndarray`, the returned array's length is the shorter of the two. .. py:exception:: bsonnumpy.error Raised by any runtime error in the module. Installing ---------- BSON-NumPy is supported on Linux and macOS, with Python 3.5 and later, on Intel architectures. It requires NumPy 1.17.0 or greater, and works with PyMongo 3.6 or greater:: $ python3 -m pip install -U numpy pymongo $ python3 -m pip install git+ Here are more detailed instructions for a few platforms. Debian or Ubuntu ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: $ sudo apt-get install -y python3-dev python3-numpy python3-pip $ python3 -m pip install -U pymongo $ python3 -m pip install git+ Fedora or RedHat ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: $ sudo yum install -y python3-devel python3-numpy python3-pip $ python3 -m pip install -U pymongo $ python3 -m pip install git+ Mac OS X ^^^^^^^^ The easiest way to install BSON-NumPy's dependencies is with Homebrew. * `Install Homebrew `_ macOS comes with an outdated version of NumPy, too old to work with BSON-NumPy. We recommend you don't use the macOS system Python at all, and install your own Python with ``brew install python3`` or `download Python from `_. Then:: $ python3 -m pip install -U numpy pymongo $ python3 -m pip install git+ Converting BSON to NumPy ------------------------ The following examples use Python 3.6 and NumPy 1.17. Double, int32, int64 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ BSON numeric types convert naturally: .. doctest:: >>> data = bson.BSON().encode({'pi': 3.14159, 'answer': 42, 'big': 2**63-1}) >>> dtype = np.dtype([('pi', np.double), ('answer', np.int32), ('big', np.int64)]) >>> bsonnumpy.sequence_to_ndarray([data], dtype, 1) array([(3.14159, 42, 9223372036854775807)], dtype=[('pi', '>> data = bson.BSON().encode({'a': [1, 2, 3]}) >>> bsonnumpy.sequence_to_ndarray([data], ... np.dtype([('a', '3i')]), ... 1) array([([1, 2, 3],)], dtype=[('a', '>> data = bson.BSON().encode({'a': {'b': 1, 'c': 3.14}}) >>> dtype = np.dtype([('a', ... np.dtype([('b', 'i'), ('c', 'f8')]))]) >>> array = bsonnumpy.sequence_to_ndarray([data], dtype, 1) >>> array array([((1, 3.14),)], dtype=[('a', [('b', '>> array[0] ((1, 3.14),) >>> array[0]['a'] (1, 3.14) >>> array[0]['a']['b'] 1 >>> array[0]['a']['c'] 3.14 >>> array[0][0][1] 3.14 Binary ^^^^^^ Convert BSON binary data to NumPy with type "V" (void) or "S" (string), and a fixed length: .. doctest:: >>> doc1 = bson.BSON().encode({'a': bson.Binary(b'binary data')}) >>> doc2 = bson.BSON().encode({'a': bson.Binary(b'short')}) >>> array = bsonnumpy.sequence_to_ndarray([doc1, doc2], ... np.dtype([('a', 'V10')]), ... 2) >>> array[0][0].tobytes() b'binary dat' >>> array[1][0].tobytes() b'short\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00' This example uses the format "V10" for 10 bytes of untyped data. Notice that BSON-NumPy truncates the longer byte string to 10 bytes, and zero-pads the shorter one. Strings ^^^^^^^ Convert BSON UTF-8 strings the same as binary, with type "V" or "S" and a fixed length. As with binary data, BSON-NumPy truncates or zero-extends the input data to match the dtype length: .. doctest:: >>> data = bson.BSON().encode({'x': 'to be or not to be'}) >>> bsonnumpy.sequence_to_ndarray([data], np.dtype([('x', 'S5')]), 1) array([(b'to be',)], dtype=[('x', 'S5')]) Bool ^^^^ Convert BSON bools to NumPy bools with the "b" specifier: .. doctest:: >>> data = bson.BSON().encode({'x': True, 'y': False}) >>> bsonnumpy.sequence_to_ndarray([data], ... np.dtype([('x', 'b'), ('y', 'b')]), ... 1) array([(1, 0)], dtype=[('x', 'i1'), ('y', 'i1')]) Datetime ^^^^^^^^ BSON datetimes become 64-bit Unix timestamps (milliseconds since January 1, 1970 UTC): .. doctest:: >>> from datetime import datetime >>> data = bson.BSON().encode({'when': datetime(2017, 1, 1)}) >>> bsonnumpy.sequence_to_ndarray([data], ... np.dtype([('when', np.int64)]), ... 1) array([(1483228800000,)], dtype=[('when', '>> oid = bson.ObjectId('588a6aefa08bff08f62a66c7') >>> data = bson.BSON().encode({'_id': oid}) >>> bsonnumpy.sequence_to_ndarray([data], np.dtype([('_id', 'S12')]), 1) array([(b'X\x8aj\xef\xa0\x8b\xff\x08\xf6*f\xc7',)], dtype=[('_id', 'S12')]) Not supported ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `File an issue `_ if you need support for any of the following BSON types. * Code * Code with scope * DBPointer * Decimal 128 * Min Key * Max Key * Null * Regular Expression * Symbol * Timestamp * Undefined